Collaboration and Project Management

Participating in the EARPA Foresight Group meetings for Collaboration and Project Management (CPM) fosters the collaboration between EARPA members and equips them with useful and current knowledge about funding mechanisms and their requirements, project management processes, proposal writing, contracts management, project reportings and more. The contents and schedule of the meetings are based on needs and requests from members, enabling and motivating them to submit, execute, conclude and exploit EU-funded mobility projects.

Only EARPA Members can join this Foresight Group. Interested in becoming an EARPA Member, see here.


Verena Wagenhofer (AVL)
Hans-List-Platz 1
8010 Graz
Telephone: +43 316 787 6160


Jean-Marc Zaccardi (IFPEN)
IFP Energies nouvelles – Mobility and Systems Division
Rond-point de l’échangeur de Solaize – BP 3
Telephone: +33 6 20 31 85 83

Participating Members

AIT, AVL, Applus+ IDIADA, CEIT, CERTH, CMT, Chalmers, DLR, EARPA, EURECAT, Eindhoven University of Technology, FEV, Fraunhofer LBF / EMI / IWU, Ghent University, Horiba MIRA, IAV, IFPEN, IKA, INEGI, KIT, KU Leuven, LAT – Aristotle University Thessaloniki, LEITAT, MOBI – Electromobility research centre, Mondragon University, Mosaic Factor SL, PWT, Siemens Industry Software NV, THI, TNO, Tecnalia, UNIMORE, UWB, University of Firenze, University of Ljubljana, University of Stuttgart, Vicomtech, Virtual Vehicle.

  • 19/12/2024

    While the report makes some proposals towards a future Framework Programme, it may need some further consideration and refinement prior to implementation. We strongly advise that the report’s recommendations on the future relevance and governance of Pillar 2 should be approached with caution.

  • 05/12/2024

    The international jury panel contributing to the 2024-edition was made up of many EARPA members. EARPA's collaboration reflects our shared commitment to fostering innovation and driving the automotive industry forward.

  • 15/10/2024

    EARPA's Autumn Meeting 2024 (30 September – 1 October 2024), attracted over 200 attendees, which included EARPA Members and other professionals from the European road mobility and automotive sector.

European Automotive Research Partners Association

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