Mr. Milos Sturm
+ 386 5 375 6617

SiEVA d.o.o. is a research company whose name is an abbreviation in Slovene that stands for “Synergetic ecologic safe vehicle''. The research centre has been founded by 9 Slovenian companies with an aim of providing research and development service in strategic fields of vehicle electrification and vehicle safety.
SiEVA d.o.o. research centre operates as a web-like entrepreneurial/industrial incubator with units located at the sites of partners’ companies. It currently employs more than 40 engineers and technicians with many more to follow suit. The company focuses on development of new cutting-edge technology solutions, development of new innovative business models, push into new prospective markets and development of synergies on all areas of operating activities. The key tool in achieving these goals lies in forging of connections of knowledge and references and an accelerated positioning of development capacities on a global scale.
Fields of research of the SiEVA d.o.o. include:
Energy and environment – Internal combustion engine, Energy and environment – Vehicle electrification Safety and comfort and Tools and technology. SiEVA d.o.o. research centre competences:
Competences in the field of products, including: modification and surface treating of non-ferrous metals, modification of sheet metal, surface steel product protection, sprinkling and stamping of thermosets and thermoplasts with inserts, remodelling of thermoplasts, metal and non-metal material bonding, different welding techniques (resistance welding, ultrasonic welding and laser welding), electro controller units, precise die casting technologies, etc. Competences in the field of development technologies, including: virtual development, virtual assessment systems, process simulation, product and tool construction and modelling, prototype testing in real condition simulation, materials characterization, metrology, structural analysis, process optimization, and process automation, possible error and consequence analysis – FMEA, etc.
SiEVA d.o.o. research centre is involved in the following EU projects:
H2020 COMBILASER: COMBInation of non-contact, high speed monitoring and non-destructive techniques applicable to LASER Based Manufacturing through a self-learning system H2020 FACTS4WORKERS: Worker-Centric Workplaces in Smart Factories
Participation in EU Projects and International Activities
EARPA Task Forces that are the most in line with research priorities of the SiEVA d.o.o. research centre are The Hybrid and Electric Systems & Components Task Force and Advanced Combustion Engines & Fuels Task Force.
SiEVA’s founder companies have been recently involved in many R&D projects from the 7th OP, funded from different EU funds. These projects include among others active participation in ROMEO project, consortium CAPIRE and EUCAR and EUREKA project associations.
SiEVA is a partner in two Horizon 2020 projects: Facts4workers - Worker-Centric Workplaces in Smart Factories and Combilaser - COMbination of non-contact, high speed monitoring and non-destructive techniques applicable to LASER Based Manufacturing through a self-learning system.
SiEVA’s founder companies have been recently involved in many R&D projects from the 7th FP funded from different EU funds. These projects, include among others active participation in ROMEO project, consortium CAPIRE and EUCAR and EUREKA project associations.