Mr. Zigor Azpilgain
+34 656 766 881

Mondragon Goi Eskola Politeknikoa, "Jose Maria Arizmendiarrieta" S. Coop., located in Mondragon (Gipuzkoa) is a non-profit education cooperative of integral character declared of public utility. It is the legal holder of the Higher Polytechnic School of Mondragon Unibertsitatea (hereinafter EPS-MU) and its main activities are training, research and technology transfer to companies and other public or private entities.
Research activity in EPS-MU
It should be noted that the focus of EPS-MU's research activities (being an Engineering Faculty) is clearly oriented to the industrial world, with the aim to transfer, in the medium term, added value to the industrial world. This is clearly reflected in the name of the activity itself: Research and Transfer. This means that in EPS-MU there are no fundamental non-oriented research activities, and the space between oriented fundamental research and innovation activities is covered, through Industrial Research and Experimental Development in projects that always include transfer activities.
These figures make us the university with most relationships with industry (% research funded by companies) and several studies support us as the best valued in Innovation and Technology Transfer.
EPS-MU Automotive R&T activity:
The R&T activity of EPS-MU in the automotive sector is grouped in six main areas:
Lightweighting: Design of automotive components based on lighweighting principles Development and optimization of advanced manufacturing processes that allow the weight reduction of automotive components Metallic and reinforced polymeric solutions Mechanical systems Design and optimization of mechanical systems of the vehicle with advanced FEM tools and monitoring of components in service in test benches or real vehicles. Connectivity Design and Development of ECUs and their Interconnection and Real Time Distributed Control. Windscreen wiper ECUs, central locking, power windows... Diagnosis and remote updating both in production / manufacturing and even in use in electronic devices. Design and development of energy management ECUs within hybrid or full electric vehicles using fuzzy logic. Connectivity to the interior of the vehicle and to the exterior to obtain parameters of optimization, in real time. Communication vehicle to vehicle (V2V) and vehicle to infrastructure (V2X) Integration of Sensors, Capture and Treatment of the Information for Diagnosis and Prognosis of the state of the Vehicle. Cases of success in aeronautical sector: analysis of life time of flap of the airplanes. Energy storage and management Battery Management System (BMS) Thermal Management System (TMS) Design of battery module under thermal, mechanical criteria Design of the enclosure of the module LCA Analysis Second life e-Powertrain Application analysis Simulation Modelling Electromagnetism Range extender Control Vector control Parameter estimation Sensorless system Direct torque control State observers Electronic Power Systems Converter Inverter Charging
Participation in EU Projects and International Activities
EPS-MU is participating in a large range of international R&D&i programs and projects:
PROFORM: An innovative manufacture process concept for a flexible and cost effective production of the vehicle body in white: Profile Forming PROMACH: Innovative approach for steel design procedures tailored to mechanical components machining nSHIELD: New embedded systems architecture for multi-layer dependable solutions pSHIELD: Pilot embedded systems architecture for multi-layer dependable solutions PSAFECER: pSafety Certification of Software-intensive systems with reusable components NSAFECER: Safety Certification of Software-intensive Systems with Reusable Components GREEN-CAR ECO-DESIGN: Eco-Design for Eco-Innovation: the Green-Car case MAC D: Steel design and high speed machining aspects in the transition from case hardening to induction hardening of automotive transmissions VENUS: Switched/Synchronous Reluctance Magnet-free Motors for Electric Vehicles DEWI: Dependable Embedded Wireless Infrastructure INVAUT: High performance magnesium investment casting for automotive applications SERVISTOCK: Desarrollo e implantación de un sistema para la optimización conjunta de tipos de transporte y stocks de seguridad OPTEMUS: Optimised Energy Management and Use EU-LIVE: Efficient Urban Light Vehicles Furthermore, EPS-MU is active in several technological platforms as (but not limited to) ARTEMIS IA, EGVIA, EUMAT, SMARTGRIDS and EMOBILITY