




R&D institute


Wissam Dib

+33 1 47 52 53 57



IFP Energies nouvelles (IFPEN) is a major research and training player in the fields of energy, transport and the environment. From scientific concepts within the framework of fundamental research, through to technological solutions in the context of applied research, innovation is central to its activities, hinged around four strategic directions: climate, environment and circular economy – renewable energies – sustainable mobility – responsible oil and gas.

As part of the public-interest mission with which it has been tasked by the public authorities, IFPEN focuses its efforts on bringing solutions to the challenges facing society and industry in terms of energy and the climate, to support the ecological transition. An integral part of IFPEN, IFP School, its graduate engineering school, prepares future generations to take up these challenges.

Sustainable mobility

To meet the triple challenge of energy-ecological-digital transition towards a decarbonized and sustainable mobility, IFPEN works with industrial partners, major groups and SMEs, academic partners, users and public institutions for developing innovative technological and digital solutions to increase energy efficiency and reduce environmental impacts of transport systems.

IFPEN activities on sustainable mobility are parts of the Carnot Institutes network since 2006, under the name of IFPEN Transports Energy Carnot Institute. These activities are based on a wide range of IFPEN’s expertise on electric powertrain, electrochemical systems, control and energy management, hydrogen propulsion, low-carbon propulsion, software and tools, environmental analysis of mobility and life cycle assessment.

Participation in EU Projects and International Activities

IFP Energies nouvelles is involved in the following EU projects:

CEVOLVER – Connected Electric Vehicle Optimized for Life, Value, Efficiency and Range MODALIS² – MODelling of Advanced LI Storage Systems LONGRUN – Development of efficient and environmental friendly LONG distance PHOENICE – PHev towards zerO EmissioNs & ultimate ICE efficiency MAGPIE – sMArt Green Ports as Integrated Efficient multimodal hubs OLGA – OLympics & Green Airports LENS – L-vehicles Emissions and Noise mitigation Solutions HELENA – Halide solid state batteries for ELectric vEhicles aNd Aircraft TRANSENSUS LCA – Towards a European-wide harmonized transport-specific LCA Approach UPPER – Unleashing the potential of public transport in Europe XL CONNEXT – Large scale system approach for advanced charging solution EMPOWER – Eco-operated, Modular, highly efficient, and flexible multi-POWERtrain for long-haul heavy-duty vehicles ARCHIMEDES – Trusted lifetime in operation for a circular economy ELABORATOR – The European Living Lab on Designing Sustainable Urban Mobility Toward Climate Neutral Cities