Research Institute
The Institute of Communication and Computer Systems (ICCS) is a non-profit academic research body established in 1989 by the Greek Ministry of Education to carry out research and development activities in the areas of telecommunications, sensors and sensor networks, satellite and wireless communications, telematics and multimedia applications, transport applications, control systems, biomedical engineering and electric power (www.iccs.gr). It is closely associated with the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering of the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) (est. 1837), which is the oldest and most prestigious academic institute in Greece. The personnel of ICCS consists of academic staff (~80 University Professors), 40 senior researchers and more than 800 researchers (including PhD students) in 20 research laboratories. ICCS has a strong presence in European research and has been the coordinator of many projects, co-funded between other by all Framework programmes of the European Union. It also participates in multiple WGs, Forums and Platforms like ERTICO (Chairing the Supervisory Board), ALICE (co-Chair of the TG3: Systems & Technologies for Interconnected Logistics), CCAM Association (https://www.ccam.eu/), A.SPIRE, EIT Digital, ILME, AIOTI, 6G-IA, C-ITS Platform, TM2.0 Platform, GEAR2030, Trilateral WG on Automation, UITP and others.
ICCS participates in National and European research initiatives and projects as well as in industrial projects and has a significant presence in the organisation of international conferences in several areas research. Within ICCS, the I-SENSE Research Group is very active in the field of Information and Communication Technologies dealing with vehicle automation, C-ITS, IoT applications for people and freight transport, smart mobility, innovative middleware/Platform as a Service (PaaS) solutions for many application domains (environment, logistics, structural health monitoring and security), embedded systems and sensor networks, next generation communication technologies and many more. In addition, four teams of the I-SENSE Group, namely Connected, Cooperative & Automated Mobility (CCAM), Logistics, Intelligent Network Systems (INS) & Smart Mobility Applied Systems (SMAS) have significant experience in Research and Development activities in the transport of people and goods. These include multi-sensor data fusion algorithms, Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) and active safety applications, cooperative systems (vehicle to vehicle and vehicle to infrastructure communication), automated driving and automation of the entire transport system, electromobility and electric vehicles technologies (smart grids), mobility solutions for people and freight. Finally, ICCS and the I-SENSE Group is in the top 10 Key stakeholders of the European research landscape according to the FAME project https://www.connectedautomateddriving.eu/) analysis of more than 150 EC projects and 1350 stakeholders.
Participation in EU Projects and International Activities
The I-SENSE Research Group comprises more than 150 members (academics, post doctoral and post-graduate researchers and administrative staff). It has coordinated and participated in numerous research and development activities in the framework of European and national projects in the automotive sector. They coordinate the projects CHOICE, ENVELOPE, W2W, RURBANIVE, Battery2Life, TeamUP, TERRAVISION, ELABORATOR, EVENTS, PoDIUM, 5G-IANA , eCharge4Drivers, XGain, NIGHTINGALE, EIFFEL, DiginTraCE, DELPHI, THEROS, , THETIDA, CiROCCO while the successfully coordinated the projects CitySCAPE, DIONE, HYPERION, CYBER-MAR RESIST, ICT4CART, COREALIS, IN-PREP ELVITEN, SAFERtec, NeMo, FABRIC, PLUGGY, SCENT, INACHUS, SENSKIN, RECONASS, AQUAKNIGHT and INTE-TRANSIT.
Finally, they have participated in the following worth mentioning projects in Horizon Europe and H2020: Hi-Drive, L3Pilot , INFRAMIX , SHOW, IN2CCAM, 5G-MOBIX INTERACT, CONCORDA , HEADSTART, ARCADE and IMOVE.