Battery Innovation Days 2024


Let’s talk about Battery Innovation! After three successful editions, the Battery Innovation Days (BID) event is back and is set to take place on 26 & 27 November in a hybrid format, in Barcelona and online.

Today’s European Batteries R&I Community (Batteries EuropeBattery 2030+ and the Batteries European Partnership Association in partnership with the Batteries 1st and 2nd IPCEIs) will co-organise a unique hybrid experience, designed to bring together numerous key players and experts from the battery field.

The Battery Innovation Days event fosters dialogue among the Research community, Policy makers, Industry players and end-users to ensure a constructive feedback loop towards the definition of research and innovation priorities in Europe. The scope of the Battery Innovation Days event is to increase knowledge and encourage exchange around the deployment of leading-edge technologies in battery materials, cell design, manufacturing and recycling.

More information on their website: